Board of Directors
Open Board Meetings
Brock Community Health Centre (Brock CHC) invites members of the public to attend meetings of the Board of Directors. The organization values a close working relationship with all stakeholders including the public and will conduct Board business in an open and transparent manner. The Board may exercise its right to hold “in camera” or special meetings that will not be open to the public where it determines it is in the best interests of the organization to do so.
The agenda of the Board meeting will be distributed at each meeting. Support material will only be provided to the Board of Directors. In order to ensure sufficient space is available, individuals wishing to attend a Brock CHC Board meeting must give 24 hours notice to the Board Secretary by calling 705-432-3322, ext. 108. Attendees will be asked to identify themselves. Individuals wishing to make a deputation must notify the Board secretary at least seven days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Deputations will be limited to five minutes. Members of the public may address the Board or ask questions of the Board only when permission is granted by the Board Chair.
Recording devices, videotaping and photography are prohibited.
Community-Based Governance
John Grant
John Grant is Chair of the Board. He is a resident of Beaverton where he co-owns two businesses. With a longstanding commitment to community service, he has served as a volunteer and leader for numerous organizations and service groups including: Beaverton Thorah Health Centre Board of Directors; Brock Non-Profit Housing; Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 135; Kinsmen; Beaverton/Cannington Arthritis Society; Brock Board of Trade; Thorah Island Ratepayer’s Association; Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority; Beaver River Trail Committee; and more. John is the former Mayor of the Township of Brock.
Norm Wilson
Norm Wilson is Vice-Chair of the Board. He grew up on a farm just north of Uxbridge. For the past 20 years, he and his wife have called their Sunderland hobby farm home. After spending 17 years as a partner in a dairy farm operation, he has spent the last 30 years in sales and management in the automotive industry. Having retired from his general manager position in 2017, he continues to work for Taylor Ford in Port Perry on a part-time basis and help his wife with their Sunderland business, The Dark Horse. Norm has had experience serving on the Board of Trustees of an Uxbridge church and on the Ontario County Milk Producers committee. He currently serves as a Director of the Sunderland Agricultural Society. He has been both a youth soccer coach and leader of a young men’s program.
Heather Allison
Heather Allison is Treasurer of the Board. She has lived most of her life in Brock Township – growing up in Beaverton and settling in Sunderland when she and her husband bought their first house. She is a CPA, CA with over 20 years of experience in public accounting. Heather is a former partner at a national accounting firm and recently started her own accounting practice. Heather continues to provide accounting and assurance services to a variety of personal and corporate clients, including non-profit organizations. She has previously served on the Board for the Brock Minor Hockey Association and Brock Youth Centre. She also belongs to the School Community Council for Sunderland Public School.
Brenda Stewart
Brenda Stewart is Secretary of the Board. She is a lifetime resident of Brock Township. She has worked at Chimo Youth and Family Services for many years where she was supervisor of the girls’ residence and is currently Durham School Programs Supervisor. She has been a member of the board of Women’s Resources in Lindsay, including being board chair for one year. Brenda has volunteered with North Durham Hospice. She lives in Beaverton and has been a strong advocate for community partnerships and making north Durham a better place to live.
Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott is Member at Large of the Board. He is a retired Durham District School Board administrator and has extensive professional and volunteer experience with numerous educational, social service and community initiatives. Peter is a resident of Cannington.
Mary Beddows
Mary Beddows was born in Toronto, raised on her grandparents’ apple farm in Nova Scotia, and later lived in Alberta with her husband and daughters where she became a Registered Nursing Assistant/Practical Nurse. After almost 15 years, she and her family moved back to Ontario. After some time, Mary completed the Registered Nursing program and found her calling in Palliative Care Nursing in the community. She has also volunteered in the community – everything from Girl Guides to starting a group of senior ladies who raise money for Elder Abuse in Brock Township (Seniors Helping In Trouble Seniors & Girls In Gillespie Gardens Lending Everyone Support // SHITS & GIGGLES). Mary firmly believe that if you live in a community, you should help that community any way you can!
Lisa Brazeau
Lisa Brazeau is a senior bilingual consultant who offers over 30 years of strategic planning, public relations, marketing, issues management and corporate training experience. Lisa paused her consulting practice from 2007 to 2014 to join the Canadian Nurses Association as the Director of Communications and Member Outreach and as Editor-in-Chief of their award-winning magazine Canadian Nurse/Infirmière canadienne. She then moved to the Canadian Medical Association from 2015 to early 2017 as the Interim VP of Enterprise Marketing and Communications. Currently she is semi-retired and lives with her husband in Cannington.
Steven Davis
Steven Davis has been a resident of Beaverton for almost 10 years. He was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario. In 1994 Steven was ordained into the ministry of the United Church of Canada and in the last 30 years has served congregations in Newfoundland and in various regions of Ontario, and currently serves as minister at St. Mark’s United Church in Whitby. Over his years in ministry he has had the chance to engage in various ways with the health care system, often serving as a volunteer chaplain at various hospitals and helping provide pastoral care to local nursing homes as well as at times advocating for parishioners involved with the health care system. Steven served as Chair of the local Library Board in Roberts Arm, Newfoundland, and as a member of the Central Newfoundland Library Board. He also served on the Board of Directors of Port Cares, a non-profit organization helping to provide for the social and economic needs of residents of Port Colborne and the wider Niagara Region.
Maureen Donald
Maureen Donald is a retired educator with extensive experience in special education and advocacy. She spent many years of her career leading teams to provide support for students in special education. As a lifelong resident of Durham Region, Maureen moved to the Brock community after many years of cottaging and teaching in the area. She is passionate about helping the Brock community grow and thrive by improving access to services. Maureen is also a longtime advocate for mental health services, with many years of volunteer experience with the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Alan Ely
Alan Ely was born and raised in Toronto and spent all his summers at Cedarhurst Beach and is the 3rd of 5 generations to do so. He and his wife, Marsha, moved to Beaverton full-time in 2003. Alan was the 3rd generation proprietor of Ely Limited (1972 – 1997). Among his volunteer commitments, he has served as chairperson of UNICEF Canada, VHA Home Healthcare and St. Andrew’s United Church (Beaverton). His hobbies include singing, golfing and gardening.
Renea Finch
Renea Finch grew up in a small community north of Bowmanville called Enniskillen and spent many summers in the Lake Simcoe region and commuting throughout this wonderful community. She moved up to Brock Township in the Cannington area in the summer of 2019 with her husband and young family. Renea is a project manager contractor in the IT sector and has worked within many different industries, including health care. She is looking forward to being more involved in Brock Community Health Centre within the Board of Directors.
Andrea Kay
Andrea Kay has resided in Brock Township for over 37 years. She has been a Registered Nurse for 28 years, with work experience at Bon Air Nursing Home in Cannington, Lakeview Manor in Beaverton, Uxbridge Hospital Medical and Emergency Unit and Ross Memorial Hospital Emergency Department where she was elected as the local Bargaining Unit President for the Ontario Nurses Association (ONA), and later as the Regional Local Coordinator. In 2012, she shifted her career path to work as a Labour Relations Officer at ONA and since has advanced in the organization and has held several leadership positions including the Manager of Professional Practice, Manager of Labour Relations for Eastern Ontario, Senior Executive Labour Relations, and in 2022, promoted to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Andrea has extensive experience in health care as a front-line nurse and is an advocate for the profession and policy governance, including lead roles in strategic planning and quality of service. As an extension of her position with ONA, she currently is a trustee on the HOOPP pension plan Board of Directors and the Chair of the HOOPP Board Governance Committee.
Gene Laundrie
Gene Laundrie has been a resident of Beaverton for forty years. He has been a volunteer Board Member with Brain Injury Services Barrie for over twenty-five years. As an accident survivor since 1987, Gene has a personal interest in helping others navigate the health and social services systems to get the help they need.
Ted Smith
Ted Smith has extensive board and volunteer experience having contributed to such organizations as Brock CHC, Sunderland Coop, Durham Dairy Producers, Durham 4-H Association, Sunderland Agricultural Society, Sunderland Historical Society, and many more. He is the former Township of Brock Regional Councillor and Deputy-Mayor where he served as Chair of the Township of Brock Planning and Community Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Committee of Adjustment, Negotiating Committee and other committees. He is the Past-Chair of the Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival Committee and the Board of the Kawartha Conservation Authority. Ted also serves as a Director on the Board of Durham Non-Profit Housing. He is a resident of the Sunderland area.
Election to Brock CHC’s Board of Directors
Qualified members of Brock Community Health Centre are eligible to be considered for election to the Brock CHC Board of Directors at the General Meeting. If you are interested in being considered for election to the Brock CHC Board of Directors, please download, print and complete the Board Recruitment Questionnaire and return to Janet McPherson, Executive Director, Brock Community Health Centre, P.O. 279, 720 Simcoe Street, Beaverton, Ontario, L0K 1A0 or email to